Hiya! This is my Media blog where you can find all the work i have constructed and researched for my A2 coursework. Look around ,comment and enjoy :D

Friday 21 October 2011

Call Sheet


Production Title: Take the next step
Production Group: JDK
Date: 27th & 28th / 10/11
Location: Outside/ inside school premises, Long bridge walk in centre, House, Outside the house
Shoot Start Time:
Wrap Time

Contact Details
Call Time
Scene Numbers
Rachael Shobande
9:00am Day 1/2
Michael Raiheem
9:00am Day 1/2
Nathan Henry
9:00am Day 1/2
Abisola Alli
Collision girl
Day 2
Inside school premises
Ope Akinyode
Colin friend 1
9:00am Day 2
Outside House
Ayo Bisiyu
Colin friend 2
9:00am Day 2
Outside House
David George
Colin friend 3
9:00am Day 2
Outside House
Ade Adeshotan
Colin friend 4
9:00am Day 2
Outside House
Yewande Ajibola
Day 2
Inside school premises

Production Role
Call Time
Contact Details
David Sanni
9:00am Day 1/2
Rikita Samuel
Assistant director/ Continuity
9:00am Day 1/2
Jessie Anim
9:00am Day 1/2

Support Staff
Contact Details
Ms Nair
Media Classroom/Media Office

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Location Reccee

 We visited various locations where we carried our rehearsal shots in order for us to agree upon whether they matched our narrative and were practical advantages rather than disadvantages. Ensuring safety, whether or not it was difficult or if there were any distractions that would create problems and interruptions. We carried out the same procedure in all locations testing the camera shots we had chosen, lighting, sound, framing and mise en scene. All members of the crew had a responsibility to ensure that a Risk Assessment was carried out on all locations as it was a compulsory procedure, failure to comply meant that we were putting ourselves and our actors/ actresses at risk. In the end we found three locations that met reached standards and past Risk assessment test, these were: Barking Abbey school , Upney walk in clinic where we had permission to shoot and a member of the crews household.

Saturday 15 October 2011

Key techniques to be used for our film.

As a film maker it is important to understand this key terms and incorporate them into your work, as we are being marked on creativity it was vital for me to experiment with different techniques in all areas of textual analysis. I noted small notes on where i thought we could use this in our work in RED.

Diagetic sound: Is when the sound used in a film is part of the world of the film, for example if someone puts on a T.V or a CD player, it makes sense to hear it. When characters are on their way to school.
Non Diagetic sound: music is played in the background but only for the audiences use, like a backing track. This tends to add meaning to a scene. Quite sentimental music to highlight the mood of the film to the audience.
Parrallel sound: is where the sound used complements the visuals, for example hearing happy music and seeing happy pictures. Happy music when the mother receives good news.
Contrapuntal sound: when we hear sound which doesn't match what you see, for example in the famous film 'Jaws'  by Steven Speilberg we hear scary music and see happy scenes. On screen sound: when someone is talking out of shot in another room perhaps, but we can still hear their voice in another scene perhaps in conversation. This helps to create a 3-D world.

Verisimilitude: this is creating the illusion of reality through sound and mise en scene.
ELS - This can be taken from as much as a quarter of a mile away, and is generally used as a scene-setting, establishing shot. Used at the beginning to establish the setting , for example the house of the family. 
LS - his category includes the FULL SHOT showing the entire human body, with the head near the top of the frame and the feet near the bottom.
Birds Eye View This shows a scene from directly overhead, a very unnatural and strange angle
High angle - Not so extreme as a bird's eye view. The camera is elevated above the action using a crane to give a general overview.

Eye level- A fairly neutral shot; the camera is positioned as though it is a human actually observing a scene
Low angle - Low angles help give a sense of confusion to a viewer, of powerlessness within the action of a scene.
Pans A movement which scans a scene horizontally
Tilts A movement which scans a scene vertically, otherwise similar to a pan.

Dolly Shots- Sometimes called TRUCKING or TRACKING shots. The camera is placed on a moving vehicle and moves alongside the action, generally following a moving figure or object. Can be used at the walk-in-centre to capture his movement and also focus on his facuial expression as he draws closer to the hospital , allowing us to give meaning through body language and facial expression.

Hand-held shots - Denote a certain kind of gritty realism, and they can make the audience feel as though they are part of a scene, rather than viewing it from a detached, frozen position. Can be used when he is having a flashback of being bullied, allows audience to enter his state of mind and reflect his confusion and blurred vision of the past. 

Includes costumes, props, lighting, characters (as represented by actors or models), special effects, sound effects and anything else which is "put into the frame". The level of a image's realism relies heavily on mise en scène. Very important to use to show contrast between the two brothers and emphasize the mothers sickness through costume and props such as crutches and tablets. 

Sunday 9 October 2011

Film Ideas Brainstorm.

This was a the brainstorm we made for our theme MANHOOD where we listen all the pro's and con's for each of our ideas.

effects of war.
  • Good narratives to create, it can be made quite simple: for example a mother grieving for her lost son. 
  • It it a broad theme allowing us to be very creative in the way we portray characters or issues.
  • Small practical issues such as location, we have no access to a battle field so that created limitations for our narrative however we could access a house and focus on a family. 
selling your soul.

  • We found this topic quite controversial and very hard to portray, it might also be seen as offensive so we decided this was not the best route to take. 
  • Too much spiritual reference which would be too hard to film respectively. 
marriage and divorce. 
  • This topic would be targeted at too much of a mature and older audience which we did not want.
  • Very hard to contact older participants willing to be in a film
  • May be seen as quite boring to our target audience and they may not be able to relate to the topic. 
gang warfare.
  • Seen as too cliche, very stereotypical of youths our age.
  • We wanted to be different and challenge conventions , we did not believe we could achieve this with such a topic.
  • Too common, however very high in practical options ;for example we could easily find youths our age who our experiencing this , and also we could inspire people by creating a positive out come.
losing you virginity.
  • Quite a important rites of passage for youths our age.
  • Relate-able to everyone
  • Creates a very broad target audience
  • Can alternate between genres , for example we can use it as a romance or even create a hybrid genre like a Rom-Com. 
  • May be hard to find actors to play this as can be seen as quite embarrassing.
Testing your manhood.
  • Another broad topic so therefore allows us to be very creative
  • Supports the theme of manhood strongly  
  • The root to a lot of rites of passages for men
  • May limit the target audience to mainly men/males. 
understanding rappers
  • Doesn't really support the theme of manhood
  • Hard to portray
  • Difficult to create a good narrative 
  • Doesn't really allow creativity
  • May be associated with violence and rude language. 
In the end we decided to narrow our choice down to theme in particular being TESTING MANHOOD and EFFECTS OF WAR. 

Actors and Auditions 2

Even though our initial idea was for a white family, we ended up using a black family to portray the idea of Manhood.After hard work, we found a middle aged woman to play the mother , her being a mother herself was very convenient as she would be able to relate to the role very well. We also found the two brothers Colin and John who suited the role very well and most importantly the contrast between physique was clearly shown.

Our specifications for the main roles were: 

Black youth aged 17-19: fairly dark skinned
Masculine physique
Strong facial features
Clear signs of puberty: for example, facial hair. 
Black Youth aged 16 - 18: fairly dark skinned
Quite a small physique : ideally skinny 
Looks quite vulnerable
No facial hair, very smooth face
Black woman middle aged 30-35
Quite a dark skinned complexion
Long hair 

As all main characters were to be portrayed as family it was important that specific features such as skin tone and descent clearly matched. It was also convenient that both males had previously known each other so therefore the relationship between them was much more comfortable and made it easier to work with them. 

Thursday 6 October 2011

Actors & Auditions

The group and I decided our film will be better suited if the actors were a white family. So for the last week i have been trying to find a white mother and two sons which has been very difficult, especially finding the mother due to my age. Although I discussed with my group a few days ago about the difficulties and we have decided that it would be more practical to find a black family. Therefore we are most likely going to have a black although if i can find a white then we will go forward with that. I have found an actor for the black family to play JOHN but not for COLIN or LINDA. By Wednesday 9th I want to have had all my actors ready for my film. This will require me to contact actors and set auditions. For the extra's i was just going to gather people from around my school, but I soon realized that even a single shot could take time so we need well informed prepared actors. Auditions will be held for the major and main characters on Monday 7th

Actor's needed:

John - main character

Linda - major character

Colin - major character

Colin's friends - 4 - extra's

Janet Baker - bumps into John - extra

Extra's - in the corridor - 4

Due to the amount of actors needed intense work has to be taken to follow this out and get the actors efficiently and on time, I see this as my responsibility and will be detrimental to the group if it is not.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Props List

Scene One.
Int. Kitchen. Morning

Table > Cereal box, bowls, spoons, milk, cups, newspaper, 
Source - Jesse's house, Tescos to buy cereal box, spoon from the house we are using, milk from the local groceries, newspaper free on the train, cups from the house we are using.

Surfaces > Quite messy but not dirty, last nights takeaway.
Source - Buy takeaway and use the packaging.

Scene Two
Int/Ext. The House. Morning

Front door > Keys , Bag and coat on the peg.
Source - Use my keys or someone from my group , easily use one of our coats.

Scene Three
Ext. Outside school. Morning.

Extras - Girl who JOHN bumps into.

Scene Four
Int. Home. Afternoon

Floor  > Letters, *One labelled NHS.
Source - Old letters that either person in my group may of recieved

Table (Living Room) > Controls, Record Book, Dirty plate, Tissues, Mobile Phone, Glass of water,Blanket on sofa, Crutches
Source - Controls from the house we are using, we may have to make a record book or find something that could pass for one, make plates dirty, use one of our mobile phones, another person in our group will provide the blanket, i will provide the crutches.

Scene 5
Ext. Upney Walk In Clinic. Morning

Scene 6
Int. Living Room. Day

Table (Living Room) > Controls, Record Book, Dirty plate, Tissues, Mobile Phone, Glass of water,Blanket on sofa, Crutches
Source - Controls from the house we are using, we may have to make a record book or find something that could pass for one, make plates dirty, use one of our mobile phones, another person in our group will provide the blanket, i will provide the crutches.

Feedback On Script

Abigail - Show her illness is affecting her, through Mise En Scene Body language Appearance ETC...

Josh- I don't think he'd actually laugh at the brother, maybe you could say that he sees his brothers with friends and he's by himself.

Ms Nair- The audience wont know there brothers, you need to show that they're related in some way haven't set up the difference and relationship between them both, i think you might need to a few extra scene, like for example the brother has friends to pick him up from school. There's not a strong representation of the favoritism between the mother and two sons.
The script seems a bit random, you need to tighten it and fill in the gaps.