Hiya! This is my Media blog where you can find all the work i have constructed and researched for my A2 coursework. Look around ,comment and enjoy :D

Sunday 9 October 2011

Film Ideas Brainstorm.

This was a the brainstorm we made for our theme MANHOOD where we listen all the pro's and con's for each of our ideas.

effects of war.
  • Good narratives to create, it can be made quite simple: for example a mother grieving for her lost son. 
  • It it a broad theme allowing us to be very creative in the way we portray characters or issues.
  • Small practical issues such as location, we have no access to a battle field so that created limitations for our narrative however we could access a house and focus on a family. 
selling your soul.

  • We found this topic quite controversial and very hard to portray, it might also be seen as offensive so we decided this was not the best route to take. 
  • Too much spiritual reference which would be too hard to film respectively. 
marriage and divorce. 
  • This topic would be targeted at too much of a mature and older audience which we did not want.
  • Very hard to contact older participants willing to be in a film
  • May be seen as quite boring to our target audience and they may not be able to relate to the topic. 
gang warfare.
  • Seen as too cliche, very stereotypical of youths our age.
  • We wanted to be different and challenge conventions , we did not believe we could achieve this with such a topic.
  • Too common, however very high in practical options ;for example we could easily find youths our age who our experiencing this , and also we could inspire people by creating a positive out come.
losing you virginity.
  • Quite a important rites of passage for youths our age.
  • Relate-able to everyone
  • Creates a very broad target audience
  • Can alternate between genres , for example we can use it as a romance or even create a hybrid genre like a Rom-Com. 
  • May be hard to find actors to play this as can be seen as quite embarrassing.
Testing your manhood.
  • Another broad topic so therefore allows us to be very creative
  • Supports the theme of manhood strongly  
  • The root to a lot of rites of passages for men
  • May limit the target audience to mainly men/males. 
understanding rappers
  • Doesn't really support the theme of manhood
  • Hard to portray
  • Difficult to create a good narrative 
  • Doesn't really allow creativity
  • May be associated with violence and rude language. 
In the end we decided to narrow our choice down to theme in particular being TESTING MANHOOD and EFFECTS OF WAR. 

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