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Wednesday 23 November 2011

Poster Analysis 2

The main colors in this poster are quite dark , with colors such as blue black and grey which connote meanings that something bad may happen, it also links with the genre of sci-fi and thrillers, especially with the bold red writing of the title placed in the middle of the frame. The gun used in this poster gives the implication that there is some sort of friction between charaaters which may resut in a confrontation. Genres such as thrillers,crime , dramas and normally associated with objects such as these. If we look at the background we see the road goes upwards, this isnt realistic and therefore we automatically relate this with a sci-fi and are aware to 'expect the unexpected'. The colors also compliment this as it gives off quite a negative reaction and audience may be intrigued as to what is going to happen. It seems to be targeted for a much more mature audience as objects such as gun are visible which isnt exactly appropiate for those of a younger generation , aswell as this ,films with the age certificate of U 12 PG etc , normally have bright colours or positive cinematography which this goes against. This poster seems to create many questions and create suspense, for example the cast are stood in the middle of the road and look ahead as if something is coming, the fact that their standing in the middle road gives us the impression that the area is deserted and raises the question as to "where did everyone/everything go ?" this is all a tecnique used by producers etc to attract the audiences.

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