Hiya! This is my Media blog where you can find all the work i have constructed and researched for my A2 coursework. Look around ,comment and enjoy :D

Sunday 25 September 2011

Desperate Housewives Kidney Research

This clip directly links to a pivotal moment in our film where the eldest brother Colin refuses to donate a kidney,in Desperate Housewives we see a very similar scenario however the mother refuses to donate a kidney to her daughter. As both scenes were pretty much the same, we began to think of ways in which we can portray this happening through mise en scene, body language, camera shots and sound.


  • Silence was used when the mother was first asked to be a donor to show elements of shock confusion and having nothing to say which we thought was quite necessary especially as our film was a silent movie. However unlike Desperate Housewives who used small pieces of sound to create the comedic aspect of the scene we wanted to take a much more serious approach and therefore used a very sentimental soundtrack. 

mise en scene.

  • In the above clip the scene was set in the hospital ward, due to our restrictions even though this would be more realistic limitation to locations meant we couldn't construct this and therefore had to think of other private places where discussions such as this could take place. This where we came up with the home being ideal.
  • This also links with costume, we was unable to get hospital clothes such as the robe so therefore began to think of other props such as crutches, tablets and medication which would help emphasize her sickness. 
  • Through body language would be the best way to show both characters reaction, in the above clip we could see disappointment and shock from the daughters face after hearing her mother would not be donating a kidney. The same is for the mother who's shock is also clearly reflected from her facial expression. 

camera shots.

  • We see close ups to show characters expression to the news they had received.
  • We also see a lot of shot reverse shots to displays each characters reaction to another, we is very important when filming these scene as there is a lot of emotion and decisions for the characters to react upon. 

This clip was extremely useful as it was very well related to our story.

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