Hiya! This is my Media blog where you can find all the work i have constructed and researched for my A2 coursework. Look around ,comment and enjoy :D

Sunday 18 September 2011

Feedback on Pitch's.

Pitch 1 
Josh- Strong narrative, got a very good base and open for creativity
Abigail- Good idea, unexpected twist, original story, creative.
Heena- Good narrative, concerned about time management may not be able to fit with narrative
Ms Nair- Simple, quite typical, "steer away from the bullying"

Pitch 2
Sienna - " I like it because of comedy aspect, doesnt sound original, so how would you show in different way"
Josh- " I think it's good, sounds impossible, seems difficult and turning to god may be hard to show.
Abigail- " Too much to fit into a film,man turning into a boy is enough without turning to god"
Ms Nair-" I agree that its different, look into the name of the condition. Finding the actor may be difficult, do research about someone who could be in the film. God thing doesnt really fit it well" Wont be as straight forward and many pratical issues to deal with. 

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