Hiya! This is my Media blog where you can find all the work i have constructed and researched for my A2 coursework. Look around ,comment and enjoy :D

Saturday 10 December 2011

Evaluation Of 3 Posters

The main colours in my poster are brown, white and black as they connote the mood of being sad and wistful ,being as our film is based on manhood it is important to comment that Men are more apt to say brown is one of their favourite colours. My film posters doesn’t really include any symbols or objects, however in one of the A4 design the main characters are represented photographically. I chose these images as they highlight the contrast in personalities and also characteristics of both characters giving us a sense of understanding of what to expect in the narrative. The messages of the film are portrayed visually rather than verbally, I felt that this was most important on my billboard poster as they are normally placed on motorways etc, which is meant to catch the eye of the audience. Audiences that are targeted in my posters could be seen as those who are interested in the drama genre, there is nothing “out of the ordinary” shown which shows the film follows issues that can be related to in everyday life. This creates quite a sympathetic aura through audiences and allows them to connect with the protagonist as well as narrative. The main protagonist takes up most of the frame which automatically implies that the film is based around him; his facial expression seems quite upset and sparks emotion placing him as the victim.

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