Hiya! This is my Media blog where you can find all the work i have constructed and researched for my A2 coursework. Look around ,comment and enjoy :D

Thursday 1 December 2011

Poster Two


  1. I really like this bilboard advert due to the image chosen. The characters facial expressions really emphasises the grief and anger in the film. I also like the amount of detail that she spent on making her film poster look as realistic as possible. I think the poster is very succesfull and it really does show the grief of the film e.g. through characters and body language.

  2. I really like this bilboard poster for our film, it really set the mood of the film. Although dont really like the set up and how everything is layed out. i also dont like the font of the title. All in all the poster is really good and realistic

  3. I really like this poter, I think it shows off your character in a great way, it also shows his resentment toward the situation, you can see the look of jelousy through his expression. I like the recommendations you've put on there aswell.. rather than using 'Empire' or 'Toal Film' you used people - That shows off a short film alot more.

  4. WOW, i must say how realistic this looks. The main shot of the protagonist does 'set the mood' it is simple but engaging- from first impressions i would want to watch the film.

    well done rika :)
