Hiya! This is my Media blog where you can find all the work i have constructed and researched for my A2 coursework. Look around ,comment and enjoy :D

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Interview On Faith Productions Crew

Just minutes after finally finishing our short film, this footage of Faith productions crew members including myself Reka Samuel ,Jesse Anim and David Sanni was filmed voicing our experience and views on our film ' Take the next Step' .

Friday 16 December 2011

Cast Footage

This footage was filmed by our crew of the two main characters after finishing the final scene of production, we asked various questions on their experience and also views on how we worked together and with them. It gave us feedback on how they think that we worked as team and what they thought on their journey. 

Saturday 10 December 2011

Evaluation Of 3 Posters

The main colours in my poster are brown, white and black as they connote the mood of being sad and wistful ,being as our film is based on manhood it is important to comment that Men are more apt to say brown is one of their favourite colours. My film posters doesn’t really include any symbols or objects, however in one of the A4 design the main characters are represented photographically. I chose these images as they highlight the contrast in personalities and also characteristics of both characters giving us a sense of understanding of what to expect in the narrative. The messages of the film are portrayed visually rather than verbally, I felt that this was most important on my billboard poster as they are normally placed on motorways etc, which is meant to catch the eye of the audience. Audiences that are targeted in my posters could be seen as those who are interested in the drama genre, there is nothing “out of the ordinary” shown which shows the film follows issues that can be related to in everyday life. This creates quite a sympathetic aura through audiences and allows them to connect with the protagonist as well as narrative. The main protagonist takes up most of the frame which automatically implies that the film is based around him; his facial expression seems quite upset and sparks emotion placing him as the victim.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Target audience

Target Audience : Male/Female aged 15 + any ethnicity
You would need a bit of understanding of family relationships to understand what really happens in this shortfilm and also how things occur within families in our today.
We felt that this audience would be suitable to this film because there at a stage were they would have matured to an certain extent and would understand how the relationships in this film work. Also this is a very deep and touching story line of donating his kidney to his mother so it wouldnt be suitable for children to watch on the grounds that they wouldnt understand this whole concept.
If I narrowed it down with the audience age I would really say 16- 60 and these people are young and old people mixed together as for the younger people the lifestyle they would live is a more family based lifestyle they either attend education or work and still are at home with their parents and possibilties of their parent going through something like this.
For the older generation they could be either house wife/mans or their in a current job which does give their life some free time to spend time with their family or loved ones.

Films that may attract our audience include : 7 pounds,Pursuit of happiness, Brotherhood which ass fall into a similar genre.


In order to recruite actors we needed to come up with various methods to attaract potential actors/tresses whihc we felt were suitable to play the roles of characters in our film. We used "STARNOW" a database for those interested in partaking projects, shortfilms etc. We were succesfull in finding a young lady to play the mother, however after discussion she felt she was not able to play the role due to unforseen circumstances. Unfortunately all the other willing particpants did not fit the appearance and characteristcs needed.

Second method was using gumtree , however that turnt out to be unsuccesfull as we received no feed back and no members of the public who were enthusisastic to be involved.

We resorted in using friends and members of the family to use as cast for our film.

Poster evaluation

The main colours in my poster are brown, white and black as they connote the mood of being sad and wistful ,being as our film is based on manhood it is important to comment that Men are more apt to say brown is one of their favourite colours. My film posters doesn’t really include any symbols or objects, however in one of the A4 design the main characters are represented photographically. I chose these images as they highlight the contrast in personalities and also characteristics of both characters giving us a sense of understanding of what to expect in the narrative. The messages of the film are portrayed visually rather than verbally, I felt that this was most important on my billboard poster as they are normally placed on motorways etc, which is meant to catch the eye of the audience. Audiences that are targeted in my posters could be seen as those who are interested in the drama genre, there is nothing “out of the ordinary” shown which shows the film follows issues that can be related to in everyday life. This creates quite a sympathetic aura through audiences and allows them to connect with the protagonist as well as narrative. The main protagonist takes up most of the frame which automatically implies that the film is based around him; his facial expression seems quite upset and sparks emotion placing him as the victim.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Poster Analysis 2

The main colors in this poster are quite dark , with colors such as blue black and grey which connote meanings that something bad may happen, it also links with the genre of sci-fi and thrillers, especially with the bold red writing of the title placed in the middle of the frame. The gun used in this poster gives the implication that there is some sort of friction between charaaters which may resut in a confrontation. Genres such as thrillers,crime , dramas and normally associated with objects such as these. If we look at the background we see the road goes upwards, this isnt realistic and therefore we automatically relate this with a sci-fi and are aware to 'expect the unexpected'. The colors also compliment this as it gives off quite a negative reaction and audience may be intrigued as to what is going to happen. It seems to be targeted for a much more mature audience as objects such as gun are visible which isnt exactly appropiate for those of a younger generation , aswell as this ,films with the age certificate of U 12 PG etc , normally have bright colours or positive cinematography which this goes against. This poster seems to create many questions and create suspense, for example the cast are stood in the middle of the road and look ahead as if something is coming, the fact that their standing in the middle road gives us the impression that the area is deserted and raises the question as to "where did everyone/everything go ?" this is all a tecnique used by producers etc to attract the audiences.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Empire Research - Reviews.

Magazine Reveiw - Draft 1

Draft one of my ancilliary task.

I Followed the housestyle of 'Empire magazine' using the colours, structure and layout. This is the first draft with any text.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Call Sheet - Draft 2

CALL SHEET - Draft 2

Production Title: Take the next step
Production Group: JDK
Date: 27th & 28th / 10/11
Location: Outside/ inside school premises, Long bridge walk in centre, House, Outside the house
Shoot Start Time:
Wrap Time

Contact Details
Call Time
Scene Numbers
Joyce Anim
9:00am Day 2
Michael Raiheem
9:00am Day 1/2
Nathan Henry
9:00am Day 1/2
Abisola Alli
Collision girl
Day 1
Inside school premises
Ope Akinyode
Colin friend 1
9:00am Day 1
Outside House
Ayo Bisiyu
Colin friend 2
9:00am Day 1
Outside House
David George
Colin friend 3
9:00am Day 1
Outside House
Ade Adeshotan
Colin friend 4
9:00am Day 1
Outside House
Yewande Ajibola
Day 1
Inside school premises
Production Role
Call Time
Contact Details
David Sanni
9:00am Day 1/2
Rikita Samuel
Assistant director/ Continuity
9:00am Day 1/2
Jessie Anim
9:00am Day 1/2

Support Staff
Contact Details

Friday 21 October 2011

Call Sheet


Production Title: Take the next step
Production Group: JDK
Date: 27th & 28th / 10/11
Location: Outside/ inside school premises, Long bridge walk in centre, House, Outside the house
Shoot Start Time:
Wrap Time

Contact Details
Call Time
Scene Numbers
Rachael Shobande
9:00am Day 1/2
Michael Raiheem
9:00am Day 1/2
Nathan Henry
9:00am Day 1/2
Abisola Alli
Collision girl
Day 2
Inside school premises
Ope Akinyode
Colin friend 1
9:00am Day 2
Outside House
Ayo Bisiyu
Colin friend 2
9:00am Day 2
Outside House
David George
Colin friend 3
9:00am Day 2
Outside House
Ade Adeshotan
Colin friend 4
9:00am Day 2
Outside House
Yewande Ajibola
Day 2
Inside school premises

Production Role
Call Time
Contact Details
David Sanni
9:00am Day 1/2
Rikita Samuel
Assistant director/ Continuity
9:00am Day 1/2
Jessie Anim
9:00am Day 1/2

Support Staff
Contact Details
Ms Nair
Media Classroom/Media Office