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Wednesday 22 June 2011

Analysis of Short Films


The story focuses on the Rite of passage of the girl overcoming her fear and making new friends whilst her dad also faces a rite of passage but letting his daughter free to play out with friends of her own.
The shot begins seeing the ice cream van that her father owns , the automatically relates to children and a more family oriented audience, which give us the impression the short film is going to be based in the community. Other shots of shot revers shots between the daughter and father show that they have a close relationship and when he ask why dont you play with your friends it shows the audience how he wants his daughter to play with her friends and enjoy her childhood. However we begin to see the girls fear when an alter ego of herself appears and makes her feel a loss of confidence. By doing this we are able to see the reasons of why she doesnt want to let go because she is scared the other children , especially a small boy called mark wont like her enough to play with her. Filmmakers used a clip of her having a dream as a way of her gaining confidence.


Automatically we see a point of view shot from the skateboard so we assume the main charcater may be a skateboader which automatically relates to a younger audience, the fact it is in Black and White gives a a dull effect and dull atmosphere, the non diagetic music is of an Rock genre and it quite upbeat which is normally associated with skateboaders and "rock chicks". There are alot of quickshots which may represent the fast life of the skateboader and how quickly he falls in love. The shot then focus on the 'bad girl' so we know that the skateboader may have some direct relation with her or she is associated with him as the shots go back and forth from him to her. The makeup and costume of both character are quite similar with the style of rock and goths , for example she has black lipstick on. There is close up shot of her blowing a bubble with bubble gum which he may see as attractive as the shot then reverses to a close up of him guliping , this is portrayed as a rite of passage as the gulping signifies he is having to face quite a significant moment, another shot of both their eyes also is seen as a symbol for the chemistry between them. Throughout the clip the only colours present are black and white which suit the two character who seem to be of a gothic genre as they are noramlly seen as dull people however when they fall in love the colours pink and red are shown which shows it brings some sort or sparkle to the life.

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