Hiya! This is my Media blog where you can find all the work i have constructed and researched for my A2 coursework. Look around ,comment and enjoy :D

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Short Film On Mothers Sickness

This theme of this film was quite similar to our as it had the same sort of Rites of passage.
The relationship between two sisters and their sick mother was very important as it gave us an idea of how to portray this in our film with two brothers and their sick mother. It begins with the narrator showing us her daily routine with her mother, we thought this would be a good idea to use for our film to show the audience what a normal day is like in their house hold. Another strong element of the film was the two sisters different reaction towards their sick mother, and their different personalities which we also used in our film. We can see that more calm, sensitive daughter is the one who's more quiet and clearly cares more for the mothers happiness and health whereas the other daughter is portrayed more harshly as she wants to put her mother in a care home. This opposing personalities is clearly seen at the dinner table, the harsh sister seems to be more distant from the family compared to the other sister who seems more close with the mother, i got this idea when the mother asks the calm sister "why does ___ have her coat on" this shows a relationship between the two as she asks the other daughter instead of the one with her coat on instead ,  it also shows that she is not staying long and may also imply she's uncomfortable. We thought of using the idea of favoritism in our film but we still need to decide on how we were going to portray it. A lot of the scenes here are repeated for example going out the front door, it gives it some sort of significance as if its a new beginning or something different is always going to happen, another idea that we wanted to use, was giving something in our film significance that we could use as a symbol. As Alzheimer is more of an mental disease her sickness is not very much portrayed through settings and props we therefore felt we needed to use a different clip to give us an idea of how to portray this specific theme. We could see a clear Rite of Passage in the ending of the film which was quite sad as the mother did in fact die and it was how the sister had to move on,we wanted the main character in our film to experience the same sort of Rite of passage however in a much more positive way. 

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