Hiya! This is my Media blog where you can find all the work i have constructed and researched for my A2 coursework. Look around ,comment and enjoy :D

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Rite Of Passage - Monologue

In response to the music that i found which i felt was a Rites of passage , i decided to write a monologue piece for the person who had experienced this. It allowed me to become the person and give others an insight into how the person may of felt and reacted. This was going to be useful when creating our own characters and using dialogue in order for audiences to understand the Rites of passage they had just experienced. 

It took some time for me to realise that maybe it was for the best, even though it was the worst pain i have felt in ages,everything happens for a reason. So here i am using that to justify everything youve ever done.It was you that showed me the loving person i was and had the potential to be.I look back and think where did it all go? The memories,its as if it disappeared into thin air. And now i sit here and reminisce. It's like everything reminds me of you and i cannot escape the fact that your not here anymore,but then i look to the future and realise that life does go on. Break ups to make ups ups and downs it took a while for me to come to my senses but im progressing now. You taught me a lot of lessons that i will surely learn from, you made me want to become a better person its a shame i cant share that experience with you but lifes to short for tears so i hold my head high,smile and move on.

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