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Tuesday 21 June 2011


How does this film deal with this particular 'rite of passage'? Does anything surprise you about the way the film deals with teenage pregnanacy? Why?

  • Establishing shot, sets the area for the film and also the character as the next shot is of the main character JUNO.
  • After the dialogue "This is one doodle that cant be undid home skillet" she comes to the realization that she is pregnant , there is a close up of her face and eyes looking up which shows she is experiencing a rites os passage, that she is actually going to be a mother.
  • Two shot of her parents, when she tells them she is pregnant we see a close up of her father and also a shot reverse shot to show his reaction.
  • When she says who the father is , we see a cutaway show to establish who Paul bleaker is.


mise en scene.

  • The cinematography created with the first shot of a surburban home and bright colours indicate that it is quiet calm innocent neighborhood. This creates quite a innocent look for the main character JUNO  however meaning is then changed when we realize she is in fact pregnant.


  • Very upbeat cheerful music, implies its a family film, the music also compliments the setting as it creates a happy environment. However ironically used when dealing with the theme of pregnancy.
  • Dialogue,"This is one doodle that cant be undid home skillet" this is the point of her rites of passage when she realizes she is actually pregnant and there is nothing she can do about for now"
  • Dialogue " who's the father" from JUNO's dad when she tell him she's pregnant, the reaction dialogue is used almost to quickly to show that he is quite angry.
  • Dialogue " they have ads for parents!" shows she is still very young and not aware of the seriousness behind it , it may imply she is too young and not ready to be a mother.
  • Dialogue " if i could just have the thing" shows again she is quite immature, not really taking her pregnancy seriously and gives the impression she doesn't really care about it. Giving quite a strong impression of teenage pregnancy.

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