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Sunday 26 June 2011

Character Interviews

This exercise helped us to get into the mind of the character a very important technique when you want audiences to really understand the characteristics of the character you are portraying. 

Frank Costello 
Me: What made you start looking after colin?
Frank: He seemed like a moitvated you boy you know, and plus his mentality looked like it could of been used for a good cause, he was alert and had a smart mind, i like him straight away
Me: When you say "good cause" what exactly do you mean?
Frank: What do you think i mean, i sell drugs so i knew he could help me , and im right he did
Me: So when you took him in, didnt you do it for love?
Frank: Yea i love the kid, well now i do, i have to say back then i just done it for myself but time went and i gotta love him
Me:Are you proud hes part of the police force?
Frank:Yeah im proud of him for getting into the police force, but thats cause hes helping me not get caught you see, as for the police force i hate every single one of them, all they want to do is take me down.
Me:Why did you start taking drugs?
Frank:Got brought up into it i spose , and just thought what the hell , why not! , i saw the money it brang, the alcohol it brought it and most of all the women, look im in my 60's and i still got it.
Me: Do you find it hard to trust people?
Frank: Yeah of course, a person like me doesnt trust anyone so easy especially the life that i live, they all just want to mess with what youve achieved, the only two people i trust is my main main and Colin
Frank: Why you so heartless ?
Me: Why do you say i'm heartless?
Me: You kill with no remorse.
Frank: I only kill those who interfere in buisness that they shouldnt be messing around in, if they do , its BYE BYE. No-one messes with Frank Costello. 

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