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Thursday 16 June 2011

Ferris Bueler's Day Off

The scene ends with Bueller at home playing the flute, while the 'Dean of students' contacts his mother about his seemingly poor attendance. I feel that the following scenes will be of how Bueller spend his day off from school, he seems to be a mischevious character for example hacking into the school system in order to change his attendance mark, so aswell as enjoying his day off he may also spend it finding ways to decieve his parents into thinking that he really is sick. Aswell as mischevious he seems very naive and doesnt accept the fact that school is colmpulsary this is shown when hes in the shower talking about 'European Sociolists' and because he is not Europea it is not relevant to him. For this reason i say he wil probably contine to fake illness a few more times, rather than realise the importance of this.

Other characters such as the Dean of Students seems to be quite alert and onto Bueller keeping records of is punctuality as attendance because he witnessed the days of absent decrease i feel that as a concerned character he will try his best to prove to Buellers parents that he really is well enough to come to school but simply is cutting classes. Lastly Buellers mother is unaware of the truth and is strong apon the fact that her son is unwell because of her defence when talking to the Dean of Students so untill she is told the truth Bueller is innocent untill proven guilty.

Ferris Bueller breaks the 4th wall by communicating with the audience this allows the audeince to feel involved and build up a liking for Ferris, its like the audeince become a part of him and build up an understanding of Ferri's character by doing this we are very bias towards ferris which portrays him as the protagonist and gives us an idea of what he may do next.
Other technical aspects such as mise en scene also give us an idea of what may happen next, the locations used ( Ferris's house and school) also give us the reason to favour Bueller's decisions as wee see the school enviroment as very boring and dull through the characters body language and face expressions whereas Buellers house is the opposite to this as he seems laid back and having fun.

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